Firmware download and release notes, compatible with Vortex4 and Vortex8. Released 25 Apr 2022
Download Firmware File
How to update
1. Copy the file to the root level of USB drive. Only one *.sfb update file should be copied onto the drive at a time.
2. Insert USB drive into USB connector on Vortex.
3. Power up Vortex and it will automatically update to the version copied on the USB drive. This will take 1-2 minutes
4. Safely remove USB drive once the update is complete.
USB Drives need to be formatted as FAT or FAT32. If the Vortex fails to read the USB drive, please try one from a different manufacturer. Maximum drive size is 32GB
What's new
Changes from 1.3.0 to 2.0.0
User Settings and User Presets will be reset to Factory Defaults after performing this update!
- Added RDM support over Wired DMX and also over CRMX
- Added Custom White Point to 'CCT Crossfade HSI' colour mode (non-crossfade mode used white point of 6500K)
- Added Custom White Point to 'CCT Crossfade RGBW' mode (non-crossfade mode used white point of 3200K) 'Calibrated RGBW mode must be enabled to use this feature. (Now enabled by default. This feature is found in 'Fixture Settings' menu)
- Added 'DMX User Presets' to save and recall up to 4 different DMX configurations. Each DMX user preset can have a custom name defined. (DMX Mode, Address, Smoothing Mode, Dimmer Curve and sACN Universe are all saved.)
- Added ability to Save/Restore User Presets to USB Drive. Can save a single preset, or all presets at once. (These can now also be renamed)
- Add ability to Save/Restore all settings to USB Drive (in 'Manage Settings' Menu). Saves all user settings and current colour values (intensity, CCT, effect parameters etc) When restoring settings from USB, you are given the option to restore DMX address and Static IP address, or leave them unchanged.)
- 5V Power is now available on USB ports to power third party accessories (such as wireless DMX receivers. Max 500mA)
- Added HTP merging of up to 4 incoming sACN sources. (If more than 4 sources are used, the latest added sources will be ignored)
- Added 'Dimming Curve' and 'DMX User Presets' shortcut keys on DMX home screen.
- Add shortcut key to 'DMX User Presets' on normal home screen (hold down 'User Presets' button for 1 second)
- LumenRadio TimoTwo Bluetooth name is now set to fixture name on startup. (Not for this feature to work correctly, the TimoTwo module may need its firmware updated to V1.0.5.1 or higher, using the TimoTwo CRMX Toolbox app)
- Added ability to rename fixture (in 'Manage Settings' Menu). This fixture name will be shown on RDM connections and also on TimoTwo Bluetooth connections.
- Reskin menu system, tweaks to UI to make it cleaner and easier to use.
- Information screen has been updated, with QR code link to Creamsource support website.Product: Vortex – CreamOS 1.3.0 to 2.0.0 18th April 2022
- Move 'Restore Defaults' from 'Advanced' to 'Manage Settings' menu
- Added POWER icon to main home screen, if light is turned off
- Added IP address under the status bar to display fixture's current IP address whenever LAN is connected.
- Added warning message if Static IP address is selected which is invalid (e.g. broadcast IP address is chosen)
- DMX Modes have been renamed for RDM to include the mode number at the start of the mode name.
- Reduced 'Battery Power Limit' step size from 10w to 5w to allow more precise control.
- Reduced DHCP retry timer to 10 seconds.
- SACN behaviour now accepts sACN streams even if DHCP server isn't present. (Will keep existing IP address if LAN is re-connected, even without DHCP server.
- Multicast sACN will continue to work even with an IP address of
- Any DMX address can now be set when in FLEX mode. It is up to the user to ensure all DMX modes will fit within the universe whilst in FLEX mode.
- Fixed bug where Zone 1 in Multizone Demo mode could flicker when brightness changed, or if running an effect.
- Fixed bug where fans could run if LED temperature is less than 0oC
- Fixed bug where sACN Unicast packets could be received on other universes than the one set.
- Fixed bug where x100 multiplier was shown in 'Batter Power Limit' screen
- Fixed bug where sACN priorities were ignored.
- Fixed bug where DMX forwarding of sACN packets could have latency of up to 1 second.
- Fixed bug where CRMX BLE device name could be merged with previous name.
- Fixed bug where DHCP overrides static IP on boot regardless of user settings.
- DMX forwarding now output at a constant 40Hz, regardless of input frequency. DMX Output will stop around 2.5 seconds after loss of DMX input signal.
- Short sACN packets are now padded to 512 slots before DMX forwarding.
Intermittent Cyan 'RDM Identify' flash has been reported in some setups, this has been fixed in V2.0.1 Firmware
DMX Mapping Change in V1.2.0 - Multizone Modes
Versions before V1.2.0 had the Fan Channel control in the FIRST SLOT, for Multizone Modes. In V1.2.0 (and later versions) this moved to the LAST SLOT.
Make sure to use the correct DMX profiles in your console, or Multizone modes won't work correctly.